Tomorrow my baby turns 3 Añaza, and today we celebrated with family and friends who were on vacation.
We spent the day in the pool, has blown out the candle and it has been phenomenal.
Nothing more sense in the car has been fried and assume it will be up tomorrow.
The truth is that time flies, and these little things mean 3 years old. My little will be fired this week from daycare, gets older and starts in September "the school".
Ugh! How time flies! Celebrated nothing their first birthday without knowing crawling and now we have a girl in the making. I love the skirts, it is presumed, is that the paint pirra lips, and if you would let her fingernails painted red.
These three years, I get the feeling, that put an end to the baby and give way to the girl and although that is a fact of life, I'm sorry. Only waited two years that made me eternal, in which time is not running, and now he is with us, time just slips through your fingers.
But then, as today is a day of celebration, I can only say